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What is serrated finned tube economizer?

What is serrated finned tube economizer?

Serrated finned tube economizer is made by high frequency welded serrated type finned tubes.

Application and analysis of the Serrated finned tube economizer

With the increase of generator unit capcity and decreasing of coal quality in the power plant, higher requirements have been raised for economizer performance. Different types of finned tube economizer, especially the serrated finned tube economizer, constantly attract the attention of boiler manufactures and companies. The serrated finned tube economizer has excellent performance of heat transer,anti wear and minimizing ash deposits. 

Serrated finned tube economizer can meet the requirement of large capacity units and has been widely apllied to supercritical and ultra supercritical boilers of 600 MW and upwards. The development of the finned tube economizer at home and abroad was reviewed. Based on the dicussion on the features of the serrated finned tube economizer, the main factors influencing the heat transfer performance of serrated finned tube economizer were analyzed.

The serrated finned tube economizer has very good proformance on energy saving.

Serrated finned tube economizer

Serrated finned tube economizer

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