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Lord Fin Tube--Flower greenhouses finned tube radiator

Wthat is greenhouses finned tube radiator?

The finned tube radiator used in the flower greenhouse is composed of a steel frame and a radiator finned pipe, which achieves the purpose of heating by convection heat dissipation. The special steel finned tube radiator for greenhouse is usually a heating equipment with hot water or steam as the heat medium, which can not only ensure the temperature in the greenhouse, but also maintain a certain humidity, providing a reasonable growth environment for plants in the greenhouse. The single fin tube radiator in greenhouse is usually 6m long, which can also be customized according to the actual needs of customers.

How to choose greenhouses finned tube radiator?

The fluidity of water and steam in the special finned tubes for flower greenhouses is an important factor affecting the heat dissipation efficiency of radiators. Requirements for thermal performance The higher the heat transfer coefficient K of fin radiator, the better its heat dissipation performance.

Finned tube radiator has advantage compare with cast iron radiator

Finned tube radiators for flower greenhouses are more common, which are made of welded finned steel tubes. Steel radiators have certain advantages in terms of heat dissipation performance compared with ordinary cast iron radiators. The fin tube radiator used in vegetable greenhouses is a heating equipment used in vegetable greenhouses. It is a heating equipment composed of fin tubes and external frames.

greenhouses finned tube radiator

Greenhouses finned tube radiator

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